Tuesday, February 27, 2007

People analysis

Another quick post, mostly so I don't fall out of the habit of blogging.

People can really surprise you. When I first met LG, we didn't really get on. We had a healthy respect, but I thought he was a shallow, vacuous, pretentious airhead. We've got on a lot better for a long while, but I've only recently started to appreciate his depth and the real person behind the facade. I still think he has a naive world view, and as a liberal viewing any Conservative, I think he is liable to be more selfish than this world needs.

To summarise, it's a point I picked up from Derren Brown's excellent book "Tricks of the Mind". The impression you make on other people may as well be the real you. If you're really a nice person, but you act like an arse in front of everyone, you are an arse. Even if this is down to shyness or anything else. Not that I'm unsympathetic, I'm a neurotic about my shyness and often cock up badly as I'm terrified of making a bad impression or being boring, but if I give into my shyness I'd make a worse impression.

I noticed I'm rambling, so will stop there.


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