Saturday, March 24, 2007

Roll with the punches

As I've only just got back from work (which given that it's a Friday night just goes to show quite how rock and roll my life is at the moment) and it's 2:30 am, I'm doing another customary short post.

Anyway, something I realised this evening is that two of the people I really admire and look up to as really impressive people who seem unflappable and in control of their lives (Pimp Daddy, and the ex-Pres of Oxford TaiChi) have all gone through tricky periods. Pres attributed his inner calm to having had gone through the torments making him stronger, so life seems easier by comparison.

I'm going to make sure the experiences I've been through make me a better, stronger, more sorted person.

"That which does not kill us only makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche


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