Saturday, March 24, 2007


I went for lunch with my Geordie lawyer crush and another friend from undergraduate university days.

I've found that when I fancy someone a hell of a lot, I start finding it much harder to talk to them in a sensible way. Wanting not to make a complete tit of myself, I try and censor what I talk before I say it, to ensure I don't make any faux pas. I then appear quiet, so start blurting stuff out. At which I spot every slight movement and read far too much into it and become paranoid. Aargh!

Anyway, she's really wonderful. I even love the way she blinks, and flutters her eyelids. She's just far too cool, fun, funny, classy, intelligent and stylish for me. I'm only obsessed by her and someone else who is totally out of my league and unavailable. Sigh.

It was lovely spending time with her, even though I think she finds me a little boring. Even just looking at her beautiful face puts a smile on my face.

I've had a good day. Even though I've come to terms with the distinct possibility I may be alone for the rest of my life as I fall for those completely unattainable. I've just decided that I need to achieve and pursue other things in life to make the rest of it complete... I'm more determined than ever to become a doctor. Now, I'm off to book my entrance exam...


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