Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bitching session

Although it's still late at night and I'm tired, I'm feeling inspired and feel the need to blog, so here is a serious, long entry.

The blissful, together, close and friendly group I joined in January has truly disappeared now. I'm quite fed up about it. I've tried damn hard to keep everyone onside and together, and everyone's pettiness has destroyed an idyllic retreat. So here is my bitching session about my lab mates. This isn't a balanced viewpoint, many of them have virtues that I haven't listed, but I'm hoping this will prove cathartic and I will be able to move on and learn to peacefully cope with them when I deal with them day to day.


---------------------Sound of brakes being put on-------------------------

I've had a think and changed my mind. I slept on it without posting the draft, and I decided to delete the bitchiness for various reasons.

If anyone found it, it would be unpleasant.

I don't think it would reflect how I feel about people in the long term.

It's not part of my pleasant positive future self.

If you don't have anything nice to say, unless it's useful, don't say it.

So I'm not going to post the nastiness... for now.

Till next time,


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