Sunday, October 26, 2008

Random musings

Don't have much to write today, so it's going to be a random stream of consciousness, where I just put down whatever I want, and floats into my mind.

My family are awesome. It just feels really good to know that some people in that big, cold, harsh, cruel, uncaring world give a damn about you. I might not have any close friends, but I've got some family who are amazingly supportive and really do everything they can for me. I hope I'm as good to you guys too. I love you all.

I've wasted this weekend. The only worthwhile thing I really feel I've achieved is going to the party for kids with special needs yesterday. I meant this to be a big work weekend, as I've got a mock exam on Friday. In the event, I've barely got my normal work done, and managed to achieve no revision whatsoever. If I'd got my act together and just put my head down and worked, I could have worked for one day and gone home to see my folks today, and still got as much done, but achieved some relaxation into the bargain... Oh well. Instead, I've been wasting my time playing a stupid online game pretending to be a space pirate in the future as I think it's a game that the girl I'm moping after is playing. It's rather pathetic. I wish I could just shake her from my thoughts, life would be so much simpler.

Prozac seems to be giving me some kind of refluxy-heartburny type feeling. It's not enough to stop me taking it, but it's somewhat uncomfortable.

And as it's gone midnight, I'll stop there.



Ph.D. diet said...

Hi Acidcat,
Checked out ur blog after a long, long time today.. In fact for the
1st time after i posted that comment.. It was really nice to see that so much has been happening with you n around you.. I truly admire you for having the guts to go back to uni n start all over again.. with a completely new course.. Being an Arien, (i'm a bit of a zodiac signs enthusiast.. what's your sunsign?) i can completely understand someone wanting to start all over again, a fresh new start.. but i don't know if i would have the courage to actually do so.. Its great that you've found love again.. i only wish love could also have found you one more time.. Anyways i will hope n pray that good things happen to you.. Take care now.. Bye.

AcidCat said...

Hi Ash,
Thank you very much for your comment, and your kind thoughts and prayers.

I'm hoping that the guts to return to university is the right decision... there are some extremely interesting things with the study of medicine, but I worry I'm not doing the right thing. I've learnt that the path of life never seems to run smoothly in a straight line.

If you do feel you want a fresh start and something new, I wish you the very best luck in the world. I found the hardest bit in many ways was the decision that I would try something new: after I made that commitment to myself, everything just seemed to happen and things became easier. I think everyone is searching for something in life, but it's sometimes hard to know what we're looking for.

I'm a Scorpio, but I don't know much about zodiac signs. It's interesting though, I heard that the Greeks or Romans thought that the phases of the moon during your mother's pregnancy would affect your developing mental development and when you were born, the seasons and amount of light due to the time of year could affect your personality. I'd be quite interested to find out if this really was true and if there was some scientific evidence behind the zodiac, but it's certainly an interesting theory.

Oh, and thanks very much again for reading and posting such a kind comment.
