Saturday, October 25, 2008

A kiss on the hand may be quite continental

I've been kissed and hugged today by a girl called Sarah...

Only problem is, she's literally young enough to be a my daughter, and she suffers from a learning disability.

I went to help at a party for children with learning disabilities and it was a lot of fun. It was really enjoyable, even before we talk about the warm fuzzies you get from doing something for the kids and the parents (who really appreciate an afternoon off from looking after some pretty demanding children).

We were playing with Play-Doh, threw balls around, used rubber inflatable rings as improvised frisbees, took them to the park to play on the roundabouts and swings, danced, played music, played pass the parcel, ran around, played hide and seek, ate cake and chocolate and crisps.

And now I'm tired. And haven't done any work yet. But it was fun.

I find working with children really refreshing. They will tell you if they're bored with you. They've got no pretensions and will be direct and honest. They've also got a huge facility for affection and having fun which I love.

It was nice to get distracted. I didn't post anything yesterday as I was in a foul mood. Partly over my non-existent love life and the fact that I think the object of my affections is starting to get a bit annoyed with me. I did land my first handspring at gymnastics without help from the coach (admittedly on a sprung floor, but it was still an achievement).

So now, I'd better do some work.


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