Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm no superman

I can't do this all on my own,
'Cause I'm no superman.

--(Scrubs Theme) Lazlo Bane - Superman.

Just listening to Radio 1 (rare occurrence as I dislike the tiny playlist and most of the moronic DJs, but have a bit of a soft spot for some of the evening DJs like Colin Murray) while doing my last minute tutorial work for tomorrow, and the Lazlo Bane - Superman song came on. I'm not a huge fan of the song, but hearing it gave me a little lift, due to the happy association with Scrubs. I love Scrubs, and while I was having my little mental breakdown due to the romantic break-up "Scrubs" was one of the things which kept me going (My little highlight of the day on E4). Anyway, although I'm tired and still a long way from finishing, it's just given me a small push towards the finish line (as soon as I've finished this blog post).

I'm very behind tonight as I was ill last week, and instead of just going straight into this week's work, I decided to start with the work I missed from last week (as last week was the basic "innate" immune system and this week is the "adaptive" immune system). It's now coming up to midnight, and I'm about ready to start on this weeks work... In retrospect, that might not have been the right decision. My body is reaching its limits. I tried working late yesterday, but it hit 10pm, I decided to sleep for one hour and get up and work again, so setting my alarm for 11pm, I was slightly dismayed to wake up at 7:30 am after my body conspired against me and refused steadfastly to wake up. Fatigue has caught up with me.

On the plus side, I'm feeling positive about life. And the exam that I thought I had done very badly on, I actually passed solidly. In fact, I managed to do better than average. The paper was difficult (pass mark 43%), and I scored 67% on the science section (average 56%), and 71% overall (average 59%). I'm absolutely thrilled, but need to work very hard to make sure I score just as well for the real thing in December.

Lets go and learn some medicine!



Ph.D. diet said...

Hi Acidcat,
Glad to see that you scored well on your exam.. I have an exam coming up on the 29th of this month and i haven't begun to prepare seriously for it, as i have to give a seminar on Monday.. In fact, its past 12 here in India and i was working on it.. But i'm gonna sleep now and wake up early to work on it some more..

AcidCat said...

Hi Ash,
Thanks for the kind comment. Good luck with the exam... what are you studying?

In the end, the lack of sleep didn't give me enough time to finish all the work, but I had a good shot at it. I had to collapse mid-afternoon to have a nap as I felt like a zombie, so don't over-work! Good luck with the seminar.


Ph.D. diet said...

Hi Acidcat,
I don't have the habit of napping during the day although studies show that a short nap of 10-15 minutes during the day can be very energizing and refreshing..
I'm pursuing a Master's course in Medical Biochemistry.
Thanks for wishing me luck :)