Monday, November 24, 2008

Work-life imbalance

Hi everyone,

I've been really struggling with this whole work-life balancing act at the moment. I'm finding it very hard to focus in on work, exemplified by the fact that it's gone mimdnight on Sunday night / Monday morning and I'm currently blogging and not doing the work due in for tomorrow (which I've spent the weekend not doing). I've been itching to blog today though, so I can't avoid it. For once, I actually have things to say, so I need to come on here.

I've spent the day with a friend from my days of my PhD. She will always have a special place in my heart as she was one of the people I leaned on heavily when my relationship ended and I fell. She gave me so much of her time even though we didn't actually know each other that well - I just bothered her because it felt right and I knew she was a good person and lovely and patient. I took her for lunch as a little thank you, and we went for Dim Sum. I think she seemed to enjoy it. but she's so polite and kind that I don't think that she'd admit to not liking it. (I get the impression she didn't like the chicken's feet though... not a surprise).

We tried to spend most of the day inside as the poor thing was going down with a cold (in addition to the pair of black eyes she was sporting from receiving a hockey stick to the face last week in a particularly violent match). We went for milkshakes in the Trocadero, and then went to play arcade games after we saw a Time Crisis 4 machine (I really know how to show a girl a good time don't I). Afterwards, we went to Covent Garden for a little wander (she introduced me to a lovely T-shirt shop called David and Goliath with some pretty cool designs - I especially liked the "You rock, you rule" one). We decided to round off the day with a drink. As it started raining and I didn't know the area terribly well, we ended up in a pub out of convenience... turned out it was a gay pub with a rather loud transvestite cabaret singer putting on a show... It was quite fun, but not an ideal end of evening chat before we head off establishment.

Honestly, she visits her other friend the previous day - gets taken round an art gallery, and a theatre to see the mousetrap and a nice restaurant... next day she gets stuck with me, and ends up playing geeky computer games (I now know not to piss her off if she's got a gun, she's a pretty good shot and enthusiastic with it too!) going to a gay pub and being fed chicken's feet... I'm classy aren't I...

I had so much fun with her. There is no chemistry between us, but it did make me wonder... I think I could happily spend the rest of my life with her (if she could put up with me too). She's really cool and I think we could be very good for each other. Thing is though, I don't think we're interested in each other, and we make good friends. It emphasized the difference that love makes though... the way I feel about the amazing one is just a world apart (despite the similarity that I'm friends with both of them, and I don't think either are interested in me romatically (sigh)).

Anyway, I digress. This girl is also awesome (just in a different way). I don't know if I've given her a nickname before, so I'll choose one now - trying to decide out of khaki combat or garage girl. Garage girl seems to sound better, so she's lumbered with that one now. Anyway, garage girl makes me sad that there is no karma - she's such a good person and seems to be really unlucky. I really want life to go well for her - she's such a good person and a fantastic friend.

Garage girl - if you ever read this: thanks again for being there for me when I needed you. I have no idea why you put up with me. I genuinely think you're amazingly awesome and you should go and grab life by the horns... you've got something incredible to give.

Love to you all - better get down to this work.


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