Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Unsweet dreams

I dreamed about her last night.

I dreamed she decided to come back to me. Everything was happier, but I think in the misty dreamlike state I still was aware that it wasn't quite real. It wasn't quite the nasty horrendous shock on waking as it all was straight after the event.

I think that maybe my subconscious has been waiting for me to feel a bit better before making me confront it slowly. I think it's forcing me to confront everything to make me heal.

People told me it would take time, and would have it's own natural rhythm to heal, and that I couldn't force it. I didn't believe them until now.

Anyway, receiving the lovely emails from the dance teacher made me realise how much a kind thought can affect the life of someone. It felt great. So, if you're reading this, get in touch with one of your friends, maybe one who you never have time for but is wonderful. Tell them how great they are and make their day. It might even make your day.

Till the next time.


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