Friday, January 12, 2007

Public service announcement - volunteer!

I've been thinking of applying to read medicine for a while now. I've started volunteering at the local hospice, which looks after those people with terminal illnesses. I had my first session there yesterday, shadowing an experienced volunteer.

I enjoyed it. It was only my first session of 3 hours, but it did show a few things. Firstly, it emphasised one of the main points of work experience for medicine applicants: it ain't as glamorous as ER. It's pretty menial (I realise that as an unqualified volunteer the tasks are less interesting, but still, it's not rock and roll) and hard work. It's not easy being around very ill and sad people, and it makes it harder to feel relaxed.

One of the things I realised though was that it's easy to make a difference. Just making tea and coffee for the relatives visiting (the main task for the volunteers as far as I can see) seems to make the visit easier for them, and anything to help at such a difficult time is worthwhile.

If you were thinking you've got nothing to do, try volunteering. There's so much you can do, if you are more into animals, help at a cat shelter. If you like being outdoors, there are lots of placements helping in nature. Whatever your interest: young people, law and order, administration, advice, gardening, people, animals, conservation, music, dancing, cooking or something else, there's a good placement for you, all over the country.

Convinced? Look into volunteering now!


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