Thursday, January 04, 2007

Tax returns suck

Hi everybody (Hi Dr. Nick!)

I've spent today trying to sort out filing my self-assessment tax return before the deadline on January 31. I know I should have sorted it before, I know I had since April to do it, I just didn't get round to it.

It is EVIL!!!

Seriously, so much hassle. Going through all your bank and building society accounts and stuff, working out your interest. The website is constantly overloaded and impossible to get onto. The tech support guy from the Inland Revenue blamed it on things that I knew blatantly weren't the problem (First he tried to blame my use of the superior Mozilla Firefox and tried to get me to use the stodgy, bug-ridden, festering pile of turd that is IE. Then he blamed the fact I had auto-complete on despite me telling him it shouldn't matter). After this he said he couldn't hang onto the line any longer, and then buggered off. Not good for blood pressure.

Anyway, also spent time emailing a few of the people who I neglected this Xmas period. I emailed them to say hi, and to say thanks as they were all people who helped me through some of the shit I've been through over the horrendous past few months.

Seriously, if any of you were the people who have been helping me recently, I can't thank you all enough. My life was pretty desperate, and although it's not all roses now, you've all helped me realise that I might have some future ahead of me. You're all amazing and I love you all.

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