Friday, January 05, 2007

2006 - a bad vintage year for relationships

Me again.

Just thinking about the past year today.

The main reason that 2006 was so particularly, spectacularly bad for me was that the love of my life, the girl who I really thought I'd grow old with, and above all, my very best friend (in fact probably my only really close friend outside of immediate family) decided she didn't want to be with me any more. It hit me so hard that I'm only just starting to come to terms with it now.

Anyway, to help me get my life back on track, I have spent more time emailing and speaking to friends than I did previously (bringing my social contact level from appalling to just very bad). There were a few people in particular who have been supporting me really well and showing concern, and just helping me get better (including my extremely patient boss). I emailed one of my friends who has been fab to me to wish him happy new year. I just received a friendly reply, but he's having a shit time too. Towards the end of 2006, his girl decided she didn't want to be with him either, which he is devastated by too.

Anyway, it just got me thinking. This is really wooly thinking, but both of us had significant, long relationships end last year, and one of the few married couples I know separated and started to divorce. I just wonder if 2006 was an horrendous year for relationships. I'm massively sceptical about most mystical things, but it does make me wonder if there is anything in dates and horoscopes (especially as around the time I started going out with The One who Got Away there were a spate of relationships which started around then).

So, if you're reading this and are lucky enough to be with someone you love, make sure you give them a hug and/or a kiss, let them know how much you love them and how much they mean to you. You really don't realise quite how lucky and special your life is, and how little the petty things matter, until it's all taken away from you.

And on that happy, cheery note, have a good weekend y'all.


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