Saturday, January 06, 2007

Heartbreak Hotel

Still feeling a bit melancholy today. I had more dreams of her last night. I also remembered another relationship that fell victim to the curse of 2006; one of my workmates who had been engaged had the girl break it off. 2006: officially the year of the girlfriend bitch.

Picked up a guitar for the first time in a while today. Was leafing through my Beatles songbook, and was surprised at how many songs that are depressing post-breakup. Love is a bitch. Sang the beautiful "Here, There and Everywhere", which again is a bit depressing, but even through my rusty playing and dodgy voice is almost spiritual. That and "Here comes the Sun" are the best Beatles songs. Sadly, I don't have the skill to play the latter, but I think George Harrison was a genius.

Am currently listening to Bright Eyes - "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning". Possibly the best album to listen to when recovering from heartbreak. Let's you wallow in the misery, with a hint that things might get better eventually. But to be honest, anything that doesn't remind you of the person who ripped your life apart, and shattered your heart.

Things I recommend for recovering from having your heart trampled on:

  • Listen to "Bright Eyes - "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning".
See above.
  • Watch "Scrubs".
I'm really not a huge fan of all things American. I think that they have an ignorant, stupid, greedy bastard for a president, their slavish pursuit of wealth is bringing their culture to its knees (a symptom of which is the litigious nature of their society where you can't do squat without being sued), the "me-first" culture which is spreading round the world, but started in the US where everyone seems to think the world revolves around them. I also think that on the whole, they've led to the dumbing down of movies and TV, so they go for the cheap laughs or toilet humour or violence or sex to sell the movie (not that I'm adverse to any of the above in moderation :) .)

However, I think "Scrubs" is possibly the finest TV program going. For starters, it's a sitcom which doesn't have a laughter track (good start). Secondly, it blends a lot of random types of humour; a fair chunk of slapstick, some very good verbal gags, visual jokes, some predictable but still funny innuendo (props to The Todd), and some great characters with great running jokes (like the violent amnesiac).

It is fantastic. It has very sympathetic characters, who you feel for and want to succeed. They may be a bit cartoony, but most have depth, particularly the excellent Dr. Cox. It's soapy and sentimental without being schmaltzy.

And it can make you forget all your problems and all the ills in the world for a little while. Which is reason enough to watch it all on its own. Just make sure you have it on tape, or they're showing a double bill, as one episode just isn't enough. I'm deeply sad to hear the end of the programme is likely to happen as Zach Braff apparently doesn't want to do more Scrubs after the ones he's agreed to, to pursue his movie career. I just hope he reconsiders.

  • Feed the ducks
Seriously, this might sound like an idea for the crazies, but go to the nearest park or river that has ducks, swans, coots or random water duckies and bring a loaf of cheap bread and just throw the entire loaf to them in bits. Cheaper than a cocaine habit (I'd argue more fun, but I'd need to try cocaine to make it a fair comment).

Anyway, as this list is taking a long time, and I've still got a lot more to write, and it's late and I should probably go to bed soon, I'll end this list here, and continue in a later post.

G'night y'all


P.S. Finished my tax return today! Yay! It's a hell of a relief.

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