Friday, January 02, 2009

Feel the rage!


I'm glad none of my resolutions included not getting angry...

Am furious with the trains: the above inflation price rises announced today: despite the fact that the service is rubbish and we're trying to encourage people to use cars less and use public transport more to save the planet... The train companies lining their pockets. Fecking disgusting.

Also tried to fill out my tax return today (before the 31 January deadline) and it appears to ignore my user reference number and password. So as a result, I've got to ring them up and wait for them to post one out to me. And why do we need a NI number, a unique tax code and a user reference number, all of which seem to be only there to identify it as being me?? I hate red tape...

Must stop here, can feel an artery in my brain pulsing and threatening to explode...


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