Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Xmas boredom

Settled into the Xmas slow routine. I'm enjoying it as it's a hell of a change of pace. I never used to enjoy the slumming around doing nothing, but after the term that I've just had, I'm revelling in the absence of over-stimulation.

However, I get worried that my brother isn't enjoying his holiday. He's one of my favourite people in the whole world, and one of the nicest people ever, with a real kind heart. I think he's bored, and I'm worried he's feeling sad. I don't really know what to do to change things around for the better. He's just spent most of the day kindly getting my computer working and teaching me how to use it. Hopefully we're going to brave the crowds tomorrow and have a jaunt to the shops and that might be entertainment enough...

To all who are unhappy, sad or depressed at the moment, my thoughts are with you. May things improve, and may you grow happier and happier every moment of every day.


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