Thursday, May 08, 2008

Wish me luck

Hey everybody!

It's quarter to one in the morning, 13 hour until my viva. I'm scared. I was fine till yesterday, but now the nerves are getting to me.

Rationally, I know that everything is likely to be fine and I should pass but...

I'm also thrilled and grateful at the people who have wished me luck (especially my amazing ex-lab mate Pimp Daddy who rang me specially). I'm mildly disappointed at how few people have though and how many of my friends don't care/forgot.

Have been waiting for a long time for this moment. It's a rite of passage, and I think it's quite a big deal. I think I'm going to feel different after this. I want to make changes, and now is a good milestone/marker to catalyse the change.

Good luck to anyone else who needs it too.

Peace, love and luck to you all


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