Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Thesis boredom.

Hi everybody!
Sorry for the hiatus. I've been trying so hard to write this thesis, and the time I'm most productive is in the evenings, and that's also when I tend to write updates for this blog.

Anyway, I don't really have much to say anyway. When you're chained to the computer, staring at a blank screen all day, day after day, and you don't do much else, you don't have tales of daring, dragons slain, foes vanquished. I do have tales of a stiff back, a numb posterior, mind numbing boredom and work avoidance. The thesis is coming along very slowly. I'm developing sore, square eyes. I have no idea how computer programmers cope with staring at a screen all day every day. I assume they go home and avoid TVs and computers like the plague (Actually having met a few, they go straight back onto the computer as soon as they can, and play World of Warcraft allowing them to slay dragons and vanquish foes).

My main avoidance technique at the moment is YouTube. I'm not exactly one with his finger on the pulse, but I'm enjoying listening to music videos while I work and also quite a few cool covers.

Better get back to work...

see ya!


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