Monday, September 24, 2007

100th post!

Hi everybody!

I've finally hit my hundredth post! If I'd managed to stick to the post every day idea I would've managed this by April, but never mind!

I'm quite pleased I stuck it out so far. Not as often as I'd like to, or particularly interesting posts, but good enough for my self-indulgence.

I finally sat GAMSAT last Friday. It didn't go badly or brilliantly.

The first section about reading comprehension was so difficult. The practice papers led me to believe that I'd do reasonably well. In the real exam I ran out of time, didn't understand the poems, and had to guess a hell of a lot of the answers. This was my nightmare section which I might have blown.

The essay section wasn't pleasant, but was not much different than normal. If any of my practice essays were good enough I'm sure these will have been.

The science section was reasonably easy for me. There were quite a few questions on organic chemistry which helped, but a few biology and physics ones which I flunked so had to resort to guesswork.

Overall, as long as I did ok on section 1, I think (hope) I did well enough to get an interview, but we'll just have to wait and see. Fingers crossed, and apparently a 6-8 week wait...

I'll post a bit more about GAMSAT in general soon.


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