Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I guess now it's time, that you came back for good.

PS. I've had intermittent problems with aches in my lower back for years. Recently, I changed the chair I've been slouched in for hours a day writing this thesis for a proper office chair with back support. I also started doing the "8 minute abs" exercise routine (almost) everyday, wondering if my core muscles were just generally too weak, and that made my back muscles constantly have pain.

My back has felt brilliant for a few weeks now. I've been doing the exercises for over a month, and recently I haven't had any back problems whatsoever. I don't know if it's actually strengthening my core muscles, or doing the exercises gets the muscles or joints moving every day, but it's helped so much. If you suffer from back pain or aches, I'd strongly recommend it. I don't have beautiful 6 pack abs, but that's down to a layer of fat covering them, and there's no such thing as spot reduction, so unless I lose weight, it'll never happen.

Anyway, if you have back problems and fancy trying it, I bought my new office chair from ebuyer.

The "8 minute abs" video is available on YouTube (just do a search for it). If you're interested, there's also an 8 minute arms, buns, and legs in the range, all with very cheesy 80s music and a way too enthusiastic instructor.


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